ACO Rankings Team
Our proprietary methodology for evaluating college programs helps eliminate bias from our guides and rankings. The data sources we use, which include the National Center for Education Statistics, the Common Data Set Initiative, and Peterson's, are all recognized for providing accurate information about education and occupations around the United States.
We may also collect our own data through online surveys when we believe such data would provide a more complete and valuable experience for the user in making a college selection. In addition to maintaining the highest standards for our sources, we use the following guidelines to ensure we remain impartial and independent in our content:
- - We do not rank schools or programs based on any type of financial relationship with a school partner.
- - Schools never receive preferential treatment.
- - For each of our core rankings, we evaluate all schools using the same criteria, awarding total scores that reflect the hard data.
- - We only assign ranking scores that directly reflect variables such as admission rates, retention rates, and program costs.
We take editorial integrity seriously and are constantly evaluating our content for bias, recency, and accuracy. Our writers, editors, and reviewers all abide by a consistent set of editorial standards. These standards help ensure responsible journalism and the balanced presentation of facts.
All schools in our degree rankings are nationally or regionally accredited, providing an extra layer of quality assurance and transparency in our rankings.
Editorial Guidelines
Our team is dedicated to giving you expert-driven, data-backed information covering education. At AffordableCollegesOnline, all pages are fact-checked by professionals and follow strict guidelines to ensure that content is timely, accurate, and free from bias. Read more about our process.